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Field Methods in Marine Science

Field Methods in Marine Science PDF Author: Scott Milroy
Publisher: Garland Science
ISBN: 0429640773
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 318

Book Description
Field Methods in Marine Science: From Measurements to Models is an authoritative guide of the methods most appropriate for field research within the marine sciences, from experimental design to data analysis. Written for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students as well as early-career researchers, this textbook also serves as an accessible introduction to the concepts and practice of modeling marine system dynamics. This textbook trains the next generation of field scientists to move beyond the classic methods of data collection and statistical analysis to contemporary methods of numerical modeling; to pursue the assimilation and synthesis of information, not the mere recording of data. Boxes and side bars highlight important questions, interesting facts, relevant examples, and research techniques that supplement the text. Students and researchers alike will find the thorough appendices useful as a way of expanding comprehension of fundamental concepts.

Field Methods in Marine Science

Field Methods in Marine Science PDF Author: Scott Milroy
Publisher: Garland Science
ISBN: 0429640773
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 318

Book Description
Field Methods in Marine Science: From Measurements to Models is an authoritative guide of the methods most appropriate for field research within the marine sciences, from experimental design to data analysis. Written for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students as well as early-career researchers, this textbook also serves as an accessible introduction to the concepts and practice of modeling marine system dynamics. This textbook trains the next generation of field scientists to move beyond the classic methods of data collection and statistical analysis to contemporary methods of numerical modeling; to pursue the assimilation and synthesis of information, not the mere recording of data. Boxes and side bars highlight important questions, interesting facts, relevant examples, and research techniques that supplement the text. Students and researchers alike will find the thorough appendices useful as a way of expanding comprehension of fundamental concepts.

Field Methods

Field Methods PDF Author: Robert Douglas Moffatt
ISBN: 9780949488015
Category : Fieldwork (Educational method)
Languages : en
Pages : 22

Book Description

Marine Ecological Field Methods

Marine Ecological Field Methods PDF Author: Anne Gro Vea Salvanes
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119184304
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 246

Book Description
A comprehensive, clear, and detailed guide to procedures for conducting marine ecological field studies Marine Ecological Field Methods is a comprehensive resource that offers the most relevant sampling methodologies for quantitative and qualitative studies of mesopelagic, demersal, littoral, and soft-bottom organisms, as well as relevant physical parameters. The authors describe how various sampling gears work, how to operate them, their limitations, guides on sorting and measuring collected organisms, and how to deal with subsamples of large catches. The text also explains how to use acoustic equipment for monitoring aggregations of organisms, for example fish shoals, as well as the use of sensors for registering environmental variables such as salinity, temperature, oxygen, and light. The text contains cutting-edge research techniques that are in their final stages of development for use in research surveys. Marine Ecological Field Methods is designed to help with the entire procedure for conducting a field study, including the generation of hypotheses, planning field collection of data, conducting field work, data exploration and statistical analysis with the use of R, and presentation of results in a final report. This essential resource: Covers a wide range of techniques and methods for the marine environment Includes tried and trusted methodologies and techniques from a team of noted experts in the field Contains information on sampling equipment ranging from those that are useful in the littoral zone to shallow nearshore areas, including bottles, secchi discs, and gillnets, and finally large trawls, benthic sleds, ROV and advanced technologies for remote sensing in the open ocean. Explores the step-by-step procedures for conducting a field study, from formulating hypotheses to the process of registering and reporting results Written for students and professionals in the field, this vital resource describes marine ecological sampling equipment, methods and analysis, ranging from physical parameters to fish, microalgae, zooplankton, benthos and macroalgae.

Laboratory Exercises and Field Methods in Marine Biology for South Florida and the Caribbean

Laboratory Exercises and Field Methods in Marine Biology for South Florida and the Caribbean PDF Author: K. M. Sealey Sullivan
Category : Marine resources conservation
Languages : en
Pages : 198

Book Description

Laboratory Exercises and Field Methods in Marine Biology for South Florida and the Caribbean

Laboratory Exercises and Field Methods in Marine Biology for South Florida and the Caribbean PDF Author: Kathleen Sullivan
ISBN: 9780882521749
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description

Modeling Methods for Marine Science

Modeling Methods for Marine Science PDF Author: David M. Glover
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139500716
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 589

Book Description
This advanced textbook on modeling, data analysis and numerical techniques for marine science has been developed from a course taught by the authors for many years at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. The first part covers statistics: singular value decomposition, error propagation, least squares regression, principal component analysis, time series analysis and objective interpolation. The second part deals with modeling techniques: finite differences, stability analysis and optimization. The third part describes case studies of actual ocean models of ever increasing dimensionality and complexity, starting with zero-dimensional models and finishing with three-dimensional general circulation models. Throughout the book hands-on computational examples are introduced using the MATLAB programming language and the principles of scientific visualization are emphasised. Ideal as a textbook for advanced students of oceanography on courses in data analysis and numerical modeling, the book is also an invaluable resource for a broad range of scientists undertaking modeling in chemical, biological, geological and physical oceanography.

Exemplary Practices in Marine Science Education

Exemplary Practices in Marine Science Education PDF Author: GĂ©raldine Fauville
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319907786
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 459

Book Description
This edited volume is the premier book dedicated exclusively to marine science education and improving ocean literacy, aiming to showcase exemplary practices in marine science education and educational research in this field on a global scale. It informs, inspires, and provides an intellectual forum for practitioners and researchers in this particular context. Subject areas include sections on marine science education in formal, informal and community settings. This book will be useful to marine science education practitioners (e.g. formal and informal educators) and researchers (both education and science).

An Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life

An Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life PDF Author: James L. Sumich
Publisher: WCB/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780697159892
Category : Marine biology
Languages : en
Pages : 461

Book Description
The new edition of An Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life is designed to reach your introductory students with effective and interesting learning tools. Its design and content are focused on capturing the attention of your students-- and focused on helping you teach. In the sixth edition, author James Sumich has maintained the text's readability and balanced approach, while incorporating several exciting new features:

Quantitative Analysis of Marine Biological Communities

Quantitative Analysis of Marine Biological Communities PDF Author: Gerald J. Bakus
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470044403
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 452

Book Description
Quantitative methods specifically tailored for the marine biologist While there are countless texts published on quantitative methods and many texts that cover quantitative terrestrial ecology, this text fills the need for the special quantitative problems confronting marine biologists and biological oceanographers. The author combines common quantitative techniques with recent advances in quantitative methodology and then demonstrates how these techniques can be used to study marine organisms, their behaviors, and their interactions with the environment. Readers learn how to better design experiments and sampling, employ sophisticated mathematical techniques, and accurately interpret and communicate the results. Most of this text is written at an introductory level, with a few topics that advance to more complex themes. Among the topics covered are plot/plotless sampling, biometrics, experimental design, game theory, optimization, time trends, modeling, and environmental impact assessments. Even readers new to quantitative methods will find the material accessible, with plenty of features to engage their interest, promote learning, and put their knowledge into practice: * One or more examples are provided to illustrate each individual quantitative technique presented in the text * The accompanying CD-ROM features two multimedia programs, several statistical programs, help to run complex statistical programs, and additional information amplifying topics covered in the text * References lead readers to additional information to pursue individual topics in greater depth Quantitative Analysis of Marine Biological Communities, with its extensive use of examples, is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students in marine biology. Marine biologists, regardless of their level of experience, will also discover new approaches to quantitative analysis tailored to the particular needs of their field.

Shark Research

Shark Research PDF Author: Jeffrey C Carrier
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1315317117
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 408

Book Description
Over the last decade, the study of shark biology has benefited from the development, refinement, and rapid expansion of novel techniques and advances in technology. These have given new insight into the fields of shark genetics, feeding, foraging, bioenergetics, imaging, age and growth, movement, migration, habitat preference, and habitat use. This pioneering book, written by experts in shark biology, examines technologies such as autonomous vehicle tracking, underwater video approaches, molecular genetics techniques, and accelerometry, among many others. Each detailed chapter offers new insights and promises for future studies of elasmobranch biology, provides an overview of appropriate uses of each technique, and can be readily extended to other aquatic fish and marine mammals and reptiles. Including chapter authors who were pioneers in developing some of the technologies discussed in the book, this book serves as the first single-source reference with in-depth coverage of techniques appropriate for the laboratory and field study of sharks, skates, and rays. It concludes with a unique section on Citizen Science and its application to studies of shark biology. This is a must-read for any marine biologist or scientist working in the field of shark biology, as well as marine biology students and graduates.